Plato: And love is of the beautiful
Join us as we celebrate the Greek thinker Plato, his philosophy, and others that have worked to protect self-government through the power of beauty and goodness.
Plato was one of the earliest thinkers of democracy. He encouraged using the power of beauty and goodness. In ancient times, the Platoneia was a celebration of Plato’s birthday. In the era of the Renaissance, the Platonic Academy of Florence celebrated him during November. Discover more facts about him, his philosophy, or read his Symposium.
“And love is of the beautiful, and therefore has not the beautiful. And the beautiful is the good, and therefore, in wanting and desiring the beautiful, love also wants and desires the good.” (Plato, Symposium)
The Terme Boxer demonstrates the power and influence of beauty in the Roman culture.
Found on Quirinal Hill, one of the Seven Hills of Rome, "Some have identified him as the Boxer of Quirinal, who won at Olympia for the first time in 336 B.C. following a grueling career of continuous defeats. Others say he is Polydamas, an athlete of legendary strength who was born in Tessaglia and then called to the court of Persia by Darius II. Yet others call him a historic figure or a heroic mythical one." (Tinti)