Happy Teacher Appreciation Week
Log Cabin Republicans has its roots in the teaching profession and promoting the Constitutional rights of employees.
As Dr. Brad Johnson explained, "Teachers, you will be the reason some students will want to become teachers...you will also be the reason many others will become successful in different fields, because you cared for them, believed in them and helped them...Culture is the sum of our everyday actions, both deliberate and incidental, that shape the environment, relationships, and outcomes within the school."
Log Cabin Republicans National is the largest organization representing LGBT Republicans and allies who support fairness, freedom, and equality for all Americans.
Log Cabin Republicans has state and local chapters nationwide, full-time staff in Washington, DC, a federal political action committee, and state political action committees.
The name of the organization is a reference to the first Republican President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln, who was born in a Log Cabin. President Lincoln built the Republican Party on the principles of liberty and equality under the law.
Log Cabin Republicans of California is the statewide chapter that helps plan events, communicate viewpoints, and represent members from all chapters within California.
History of Log Cabin Republicans of Orange County
February 11, 1967: Demonstration at The Black Cat Tavern, Los Angeles, California. A protest was held in response to a New Year's raid on the tavern and charges against patrons for "violating" Section 647(a) of California's Penal Code pertaining to "lewd or dissolute conduct". The Black Cat demonstration, as well as others, were a turning point in the defense of freedom.
November 1, 1978: Former California Governor Ronald Reagan's editorial letter in the Los Angeles Herald-Examiner is published. Reagan defended the constitutional rights of California teachers and denounced an initiative by State Senator John Briggs (Proposition 6). The initiative proposed the termination of teachers for "public homosexual conduct". The proposition was defeated at the ballot box with 58.4% of voters in opposition. (California Ballot Measures Database)
"The official date of our founding was March 2, 1986, yet that was the culmination of two years of private meetings, parties, discussions, and political efforts by a group of doctors, teachers, businessmen, and lawyers who all knew each other socially. LCROC was established on June 12, 1985 with the execution of our original Articles of Incorporation.
Frank Ricchiazzi, who had started the Log Cabin Club of Los Angeles in 1977, was instrumental in helping us get started, attending our meetings and guiding us along in our political naivety. Some of the original members' names: Dr. Don Hagan, Dr. Drew Barris, Alex Wentzel (our first President), Robert Helms (our first Treasurer), John Sanders, Dick Anderson, Len Olds, and Hugh Rouse."
Revised from reminiscences of Len Olds. April 14, 2020.