California Republican Party Convention: 2023

California Republican Party Convention: 2023


From left to right: Anthony Johnson, Lindsey Stetson, Jesse Bluma, and Brendon Moeller

Log Cabin Republicans of Orange County Reception



We had an outstanding time at the California Republican Convention.  Thank you to everyone who participated.  We enjoyed getting to see everyone at our reception and the great weekend in Orange County.

The California Republican Party (CAGOP) Organizing Convention, September 29-October 1, 2023, Anaheim, California. Members of the party met to conduct business for the organization, hear from speakers, and attend trainings in political matters.

Jesse Bluma, president of LCROC, Anthony Johnson, vice-president of LCROC, and Brendon Moeller, interim-secretary of LCROC, attended the three-day convention and events.

LCR Orange County invited members of Log Cabin Republicans to attend our reception on Friday night at NOVA, Garden Grove.   


Anaheim Marriott: Log Cabin Republicans of California booth.  Thank you to Fred Schein for managing the booth and greeting attendees. 


LCRCA Board Meeting

The board of directors for Log Cabin Republicans of California met on Saturday during the convention weekend.  LCRCA is the statewide chapter that helps plan events, communicate viewpoints, and represents members from all chapters within California.

From left to right: Jason Clark, Jason Hopkins, Kevin Krick, Andy Dick, Jesse Bluma, Nick Meade, Shane Patrick Connoly, Lindsey Stetson, Gina Roberts, Fred Schein, Charles Moran, Preston Romero. 


Additionally, LCRCA hosted a social reception during the convention to celebrate the accomplishments of the organization, network, and hear from key speakers.  The social reception was hosted in collaboration with California Young Republicans, LCRLA, LCRSF, Gina Roberts, California Congress of Republicans, LAYR, and San Diego Young Republicans. 


1990s theme for an extra element of fun.  Complete with outfits, decorations, music, and images of political figures.


Photo booth


General Session

Several LCR members were delegates at the convention.  Delegates are party members, may be appointed by a regular member or county party.  Delegates voted on a number of essential items, such as the platform for the Republican Party of California, rules and procedures for the party, and resolutions.  


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