Orange County Pride Booth
Orange County Pride Booth
One of our favorite events of the year. It takes excellent effort to create a booth. That's where our members can help. The booth is a fun and collaborative way to be a part of the community.
Join us at OC Pride and strut your stuff. Volunteers will act as community ambassadors, hand out information about Log Cabin Republicans, and get to meet other attendees.
Orange County Pride will be located in downtown Santa Ana. The festival will include food trucks, music, and booths from a variety of vendors, groups, and organizations.
There is no entrance fee.
6:00 A.M.-5:00 P.M.
Saturday, June 24, 2023
Downtown Santa Ana, California
Parking: arrive early to park in a nearby parking structure and to navigate road closures near the parade and festival.
Scroll to the bottom to sign up to volunteer for a shift at our booth.
Make sure to wear sunscreen, bring water, and food if desired. Or order items from one of the vendors.
Click here to discover more about OC Pride.