California Republican Party Organizing Convention: Permanent Charter for Log Cabin Republicans of California
California Republican Party
Organizing Convention
The California Republican Party (CAGOP) Organizing Convention, March 10-12, 2023, Sacramento, California. Members of the party met to conduct business for the organization, hear from speakers, and attend trainings in political matters.
Jesse Bluma, president of LCROC, Anthony Johnson, vice-president of LCROC, and John Merrill, treasurer of LCROC, attended the three day convention and events.
LCR Sacramento invited members of Log Cabin Republicans to attend their Welcome Event on Friday night at The Bank's Mezzanine Bar. Congratulations to LCR Sacramento and their chapter president, Preston Romero, for reviving the chapter and for organizing the welcome party.
The board of directors for Log Cabin Republicans of California met on Saturday during the convention weekend. LCRCA is the statewide chapter that helps plan events, communicate viewpoints, and represents members from all chapters within California. We thank Matthew Craffey for his years of leadership, hard work, and dedication as chair of LCRCA.
Congratulations to the 2023-2024 executive board: Lindsey Stetson, chair, Nick Meade, vice-chair, Matthew Craffey, immediate-past chair, Jesse Bluma, secretary, Andrew Dick, treasurer, John Merrill, fundraising and political action committee, Fred Schein, chapter leadership, Charles Moran, at-large, Greg Gandrud, at-large, and Gina Roberts, at-large.
Saturday, March 11, 2023. The California Republican Party Rules Committee passed an amendment to permanently charter LCRCA. LCRCA Chair Matthew Craffey (photo) spearheaded the effort.
Additionally, LCRCA hosted a social reception during the convention to celebrate the accomplishments of the organization, network, and hear from key speakers. The social reception was hosted in collaboration with LCR California, California Women's Leadership Association, and the California Young Republicans Federation.
Sunday, March 12, 2023 culminated in the granting of a permanent charter to LCRCA by the California Republican Party. The permanent charter is recognition for the diligence, professionalism, and ongoing contributions of LCRCA. A significant achievement for our organization.
P.C.: J. Bluma, A. Dick, and P. Romero